The Otago Yacht Club offers the clubhouse facilities for hire to approved groups. See Venue Hire for further details.
Slipping of boats and mooring of boats
The Otago Yacht Club welcomes visiting yachts. We are within walking distance of the city centre and offer showers, laundry facilities, email connections etc. Our resident caretaker / manager will usually manage to accommodate requests for berthage for boats up to 50 feet. Our alongside mooring facilities consist of several large punts inside a walled boat harbour. Yachts must be prepared to raft up. Access to the boat harbour is only tenable approx 2hrs either side of high tide for boats with 2m draft.
It is advisable to arrange your arrival in the upper harbour to comply with this restriction. A temporary anchorage while waiting for the tide is suggested at Careys Bay adjacent to the Fisherman’s wharf well clear of the shipping channel. If you touch the bottom in the boat harbour entrance, don’t worry too much because it is only mud.
For slipping, booking and pricing schedule contact our caretaker/manager. We can slip boats up to 40 feet and to a maximum of 12 tons. There is usually a waiting list in the summer however, boats can often be slipped for 24hrs with little notice, depending on the availability of a suitable cradle. Users are reminded of club rules re supplying adequate labour to help slip and unslip boats and when moving them round the yard.
For mooring, again contact should be made as early as possible with our caretaker / manager. His cellphone number is 027 491 9508. Early contact and subsequent arrangements with the club will also enable visiting yachts to answer harbour control’s ‘destination’ question to their satisfaction.
Internet Access
Wireless internet is available on site. It is currently free for members and often visitors too.
Contact us for the password. Please email if there are any problems or if you need help. OYC Wireless Status